Logging-in to Tunedly #
It’s just as easy to sign-in to your Tunedly account as it is to create one. Tunedly uses either Google to sign in (with your Google account) or a standard sign-up form.
Be sure to add Tunedly to your safe senders list in your email client.
For Artists #
If you’re looking to have your song produced at broadcast-quality standards by professional session musicians, head over to tunedly.com and click the “Sign Up” button at the top-right of the page.
You’ll be forwarded to our login form page. You should see this:
You can hit ‘join now’ to directly sign up or sign up using your Google account. Easy! If you’ve already created an account, you can just use the login form, and if you haven’t created a password yet (or forgotten it) just hit the “Lost Password” link to get a link emailed to you to create a new one.
If you don’t see emails coming from Tunedly, please check your spam folder. They should appear within a minute or so.
Once you’ve logged in, if you haven’t already chosen a Membership you’ll be prompted to do so. Check out and then you’ll be forwarded to the Tunedly Music Production Dashboard after a few moments.
For your own security and that of other users, please log out after your session if you’re on a public computer.
Anyone with access to the computer on which you logged-in to your account, will also have access to your account!
To edit your profile or become active in the community, use this menu. Hit ‘profile’ to view and edit your profile. Hit ‘Community’ to see site-wide activity, or the sub-menu for specific things like your Timeline, Messages or Groups etc.